Monday, 25 April 2011 08:04
Businessman Jean Figali, awaiting trial on money laundering charges, may have become an unintended benefactor for Panama’s government.
One of three sites being considered for the building of a long delayed convention center is on reclaimed land next to the Figali Convention Center, which was seized by the government to offset tax liabilities owed by Figali.
The landfill was created by Figali for the development of a marina, against numerous protests and without official authorization according to reports.
One of the first photo-ops for President Martinelli was to visit the site and strike the surrounding fence with a sledgehammer, and then impound the site in the name of the government.
The government plans to hire a consultant to select the best location and design for the convention center. A previous study, which cost $300,000 was discarded because it required land to be reclaimed between Amador and El Chorrillo.
Two other potential sites are controlled by public agencies. The first, near the Museum of Biodiversity on a 7.8-hectare site that the government deeded to the Amador Foundation to help pay for the museum and is valued at $70 million.
The second, much larger site is owned by the Social Security Fund, and covers 15 hectares.
The contract is expected to be awarded in mid-May.
Critics of the location, point out that Amador is lacking in large hotels to provide accommodation for convention attendees, and is difficulr to access, especially on weekends.