November 29, 2010 - 21:20 AMT 17:20
GMTPanARMENIAN.Net - Recently, WikiLeaks whistle blowing website released Azerbaijan- related information quoted by Azeri Report.
“According to widespread rumour, many Iranians in Baku are involved full- or part-time in Iranian regime-related profit making, sanctions-busting, money laundering, and similar activities. Activities range from assisting Iranian interests "on the side" of pursuing private activities, to working primarily for Iranian government entities. These Iranians' formal businesses in Azerbaijan include factories, construction companies, trading companies, and shops, some of which may be hollow companies hiding illicit or semi-licit activities. Some are also said to be significant actors in obtaining spare parts and equipment for the Revolutionary Guard, raising revenues and managing money for it and/or regime figures, or managing Iran-origin narcotics trafficking. The list is a "sampler" of the types of personnel and activities singled out to Iran watcher by multiple sources as actively involved in Iranian regime-supportive financial and procurement activities. The list suggests the extensive and complex interconnection of Iranian figures and activities that reportedly support Iranian security organizations and regime figures.
Baku Iran watcher received the information below from a wide variety of independent Iranian and Azerbaijani sources (strictly protect), including Baku-based Iranian students, business figures, and human rights activists; a Tehran-based Iranian exporter; a prominent businessman working in Iran; the Executive Director of AmCham in Azerbaijan; an Azerbaijani oil company exective; and a local partner in a leading international management consulting firm. In almost all cases the information below was related/confirmed separately by at least three of the above sources.”