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何 萍
汤 俊
汤 俊
李 刚
李 刚
生辰:1977.7.26 籍贯:辽宁抚顺 民族:汉 党派:九三学社 职称:教授 研究...
上传时间: 2010-06-06      浏览次数:1838次
Ibori's Camp In Disarray Over Monday Court Judgement

Jun.05, 2010, 03:02


Monday, June 7, 2010 is another payback day for Mr. James Onanefe Ibori, the former governor of Delta State and his political associates, as London’s Southwark Crown Court in the United Kingdom will sentence both his sister and mistress who are currently being remanded in prison.


The recent conviction of Mrs Christine Ibori-Ibie and Ms Udoamaka Okoronkwo(Nee Onuigbo), who are Ibori's sister and mistress respectively, has thrown the camp of the former governor into disarray and panic.


Mrs. Okoronkwo and Ibori's sister, who were convicted yesterday by the same jury, will both be sentenced at 2 :00 pm on Monday.


Legal observers, however, said that they might spend up to 5 years in prison if the United Kingdom Court jailed them for money laundering and mortgage crimes.


The verdict has put holes in claims by his attorneys and cronies that Mr. Ibori is being politically persecuted.


James Ibori, who is presently alleging political harassment and witch-hunt by the federal government, had recently tried to block his extradition and sought political asylum in Dubai.


Meanwhile, the leadership of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has expressed optimism that Monday's verdict would give teeth to the process of removing Ibori from Dubai to the UK.


The anti-corruption agency had been collaborating with the Interpol, UAE and the Metropolitan Police over the matter.


A dependable source at the EFCC said, "It is a welcome development, and we are optimistic that these verdicts would make the Dubai authorities give speedy hearing to the application."


Both Ibori-Ibie and Okoronkwo were tried at the Southwark Crown Court in London, and while the later was pronounced guilty of a 9-count money laundering and mortgage fraud charges on Tuesday, Okoronkwo was also found guilty on Wednesday.


Shortly after Okoronkwo was cleared of one of the charges on Tuesday, Ibori's spokesman, Tony Eluemunor went to town, alleging political persecution, but the jury returned a guilty verdict on her  when it resumed on Wednesday to look at other charges against her.


lnformation has it that Monday’s verdict could ruin the chances of Ibori's wife, Theresa Nkoyo, his lawyer, Badresh Gohil, whose trial resumes on June 18. The duo was implicated in the same 70 million pounds money laundering scheme led by James Ibori.


It was gathered that the Ibori camp, which had stalled the extradition hearing in Dubai the UAE capital, with allegations of 'political persecution', had banked on the acquittal of the trio of his mistress, sister and personal assistant in London.


Their calculation was that Ibori's allegation of political persecution would stand a better chance if the jury could return a not guilty verdict on them.


Our source," It is most likely that Ibori would be found guilty of all charges because these women were used by him to commit these crimes. It, therefore, means that if he steps into that court, no jury would aquit him. That is why he and his cronies are fighting hard to get political asylum in Dubai."


Meanwhile, the Nigeria Liberty Forum has called on Nigerians to show up in impressive numbers at Monday's sentencing in London, of Christine Ibie-Ibori and Udoamaka Okoronkwo-Onuigbo.


"Your massive attendance is needed to send a clear message to the world that Nigerians are hard-working people who do not support or encourage economic crimes of any nature," the NLF said in a press statement signed by Kayode Ogundamisi in London.


"It is also an important message to our leaders in Abuja, that we demand a re-invigorated war against corruption that jettisons the incompetence of the current EFCC leadership, as well as a call for the trial of the former attorney-general of the federation, Michael Aondoakaa for "obstruction of justice".  It would also be a clear message demanding the immediate retrenchment and trial of Justice Marcel Awokulehin of the Federal High Court," the statement added.


The Forum commended Nigerians in the UK and all over the world for standing firm in following and supporting the trial of Ibori's associates in the UK.